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From the Calendar tab you can:

  • View all of your past roasts, sorted chronologically on the Calendar view.
  • Plan future roasting sessions and events with the Create Schedule feature.
  • Edit existing roasting schedules.

Roast Schedule and Schedule Summary View

The Calendar tab is split into two separate views, one that displays the Calendar View on the left, and another that lists out each roasting session or event for the Calendar View.

Schedule View Navigation

The Schedule View allows you to navigate through your roasting past and futures. You can select from three different views from the drop down menu at the top, far right: Monthly, Weekly, and Daily. You can scroll forwards and backwards through them with the navigation arrows.

Clicking the Today button at any point will jump back to today's schedule, no matter whether you are exploring monthly, weekly, or daily views.

Clicking on an individual Roast within the Roast Schedule view will open up the Roast Profile for any roasts that you have completed. Roasts that have been scheduled for the future are only clickable from within the Event View.

Event View

To the right of the Calendar View you will see a Event View, which lists timestamped roasts by Roast Name for a given time period. Roasts that have already been completed can be clicked to open their respective Roast Profile. Clicking on a Scheduled Roast dropdown will show the details you have planned, the ability to launch the scheduled Roast, or to mark a scheduled session as Complete. There is also an Action menu that allows you to modify or delete the selected Schedule.

Create Schedule

The Create Schedule button at the top right of the page will open up the Create Schedule dialog box.

From here you can schedule future roasting sessions, or create events (to schedule maintenance, for instance.)

As shown in the clip above, the process for creating a schedule in RoasTime is pretty straight forward.

  1. Choose from Roast Schedule or Event.
  2. Select a date and time.
  3. Choose a roast to Playback, a Roast Recipe to follow, or elect to roast manually.
  4. Select the bean you intend to roast, the weight per batch, and the total number of batches.
  5. Add any notes you would like to add.
  6. Click the Create button to add the schedule to your Calendar view.